Here’s how it went down… little bone was given to Crazy 1 (the little Chihuahua-mix pup), big bone to big dog Crazy 2 (not really crazy, was just feeling left out with all the attention being given to truly crazy Crazy 1, so had to nickname him too). Two minutes later, Crazy 1 had the big bone.

Meet Buster & Tiger, our four-legged, very cherished furry family members. We have had Buster since the awesome teen was 3 years old, the little trouble-maker Tiger (but oh-so-cute) I bought the teen when he was just a preteen and we were living in Canoa, Ecuador during Christmas time.
Buster is a Rat Terrier from the U.S., now 14 years and quite a distinguished ol’ fellow with quite a bit of energy (still loves to jump, that’s his #1 crazy move) but Mom is noticing he is slowly losing his eyesight.
He spends his day lounging on the bed, fighting off Crazy 1 now and again when Crazy 1 decides to go into play mode and attack Crazy 2.

Tiger – no more embellishment needed – is now 5 years and has calmed down much, but we still like to use him as our comic relief dog, hence the endearment ‘crazy’ is still used quite often in reference to him.

We have traveled all over the place with both dogs; Crazy 2 got to visit Europe and Canada when he was younger, Crazy 1 prefers the raucous vibe of Latin America – not surprising.
Both are being spoiled with daily walks to a nearby local park (we are in a rental with no fenced yard) and almost 24/7 attention from Mom who works just about that much currently at home.

Each dog of course has his own kennel, but they are happy to share when the situation warrants it, such as in the photo above while we were waiting for our flight out of Guayaquil, Ecuador.
For car trips, Crazy 1 & Crazy 2 stay in the big, well-worn maroon kennel, as Mom thinks it makes both of them feel safer and have a more enjoyable trip.
The Blog: “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”
Me: “Say What?”
The Blog: “I’m trying to be like Tiger.”
Me: “I don’t think you want to go down that road.”
The Blog: “Why not”
Me: “He is a bit of a nut job and anyways, you are already a bit like him.”
The Blog: “Are you calling me a nut job?”
Me: “Of course not.”
The Blog: “I thought you were.”
Me: “Well, I wasn’t.”
The Blog: “Great. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.”