Helping Brands Make Complex Technology Easy to Understand
Do you have a specialized technology, PaaS, IaaS, or SaaS in the cloud and need your target audience to understand how it works and how it can benefit their business? I can help. Does your marketing team need an experienced technology writer?
I have written about AI, big data, kubernetes, cloud computing, machine learning, smart buildings, natural language processing, and more for leading technology brands.

Client Testimonial
“Molly is our teams go-to expert for all things Azure, Citrix, cloud, and desktop virtualization. Whether it’s inspirational level for senior decision makers or down in the weeds with speeds and feeds for technical buyers, she brings our stories to life in memorable, engaging, and clear ways. Her words are always steeped in data points, research trends, and credible quotes that make our client work elevate above the noise.”
“Owing to her tenure in technology, she’s the type of writer we strive to include in the Merit Mile family. Not only can Molly “write tech”, she “gets tech,” a critical ingredient for the success of our clients. When faced with a new technology or product, Molly can be counted on to immerse herself into a deep understanding of topic at hand, before putting pen to paper. The result, content with meaning and substance, not surface level fluff.”
– Scott Lindars, Director of Technology Markets, Merit Mile. Read more